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We Christians are a unique people. Although there are many who profess some faith in a divine being, we serve a God who gave His only Son that we might have eternal life. Not only did His Son Jesus come as our example, He also came to die in our place. It seems illogical to worship a Lord that could have died, but we, as believers, have, by the grace of God, acquired faith to see what His death accomplished - even our salvation. How great is our God!
Jesus was not just faithful unto death, but He was raised for our justification. He, being the "firstborn from the dead," has provided for us the blessed hope: the resurrection. Now we know that death has no power over us, for if we die before Jesus' return, we shall be raised to life everlasting. Not only so, but if we live to see His return, we shall be changed in the moment, in the twinkling of an eye. What a glorious day that will be!
We will be observing the Lord's Supper on March 31st, 2002. This Passover commemoration service will begin at 10:00 a.m. This is a wonderful time, when we remember the great sacrifice of our Lord on Calvary.
Our observance of Pentecost, the Feast of Firstfruits, will be held May 16-19, 2002. The feast will feature a revival-type atmosphere with worship services, Bible studies and a variety of speakers. All are invited to attend, so pack your bags and get in touch with us to make preparation for you to feast together with us on the precious Word of God.
For nearly two years, we have enjoyed the fellowship of Jacob and Yolanda Garcia and their family. They have been a great blessing to us with their sincerity, friendship and devotion to God and His work. In addition, they have added much to our worship services with their voices, instruments and fervent spirit.
I am pleased to announce Brother Garcia's recent ordination and installation as head of The People of Truth's Ministry of Education. He has felt the call of the ministry for some time now and the Lord confirmed the move in a great way. We offer our prayers and blessings to Bro. Jacob and his family and know that God will bless him and his ministry, as he sets his heart and his hands to the work.
May the Lord bless you all as you strive to do His will.
David M. McNabb
Editor & Bible Guy