From the Editor
February has been a very busy month for us. My job at Agnoli Sign Co. has required me to make a couple of 2- to 3-day road trips to New Jersey to install signs at new Edwards Super Food Stores.
In between trips, I have had to oversee the publication of three issues of The Bible Guys this month. With the help of Bro. Vadim Privedenyuk of Source of Life Christian Center, I was able to produce the Russian edition's Winter 2000 installment.
Then, in cooperation with Bro. Adalberto Sanchez of the Defenders of the Christian Faith Church, we translated and published the introductory, January/February 2000 issue of our Spanish edition: our newest addition to The Bible Guys family of newsletters. I appreciate these brothers' time and energy, which they have devoted to assist me in this labor of love.
At the last computer show in Springfield, MA, I was able to acquire a laptop computer, which has enabled me to optimize my time during these road trips, and continue this work without much delay. This is a great blessing to me, and has helped to alleviate some of my dread at going away.
The Feast of Passover, which we will celebrate on April 16 this year, is less than two months away. This is a time when we take the Lord's Supper in remembrance of His great sacrifice on Calvary. It is a sober time to reflect on what He has done for us, and to remember from where He brought us. Let us prepare our hearts for this somber occasion.
I recently met a brother from a church in Springfield. He saw my car and told me that he appreciated the lettering on it. He then proceeded to tell me that he believed that God was now looking for Christians to come together and discuss the Word and come in the unity of the faith.
I was filled with joy, for this is something that I believe with all my heart. I was disappointed, however, when he did not exhibit any interest in actually doing so. It seems that his words were but rhetoric, and not something which he truly believed, or else he would have acted in such a manner as to facilitate real discussion and fellowship.
The Bible is clear on the subject. The gifts of the ministry were given for the express purpose of bringing the saints to the unity of the faith. It is with this understanding that we labor, studying and fellowshipping with other saints, that we all may "see eye to eye when the Lord shall bring again Zion."
God bless you, and grant us all to be united in the faith and in His love.
David M. McNabb
Editor & Bible Guy